Dance With Us
Tango Dance Lessons
The Classical Tango dance is a very passionate ballroom dance that has many different styles and interpretations of the music. From the structured International tango patterns, to the beautiful American style tango open figures or the irresistible argentine tango footwork, it is all about an extreme mixture of drama and romance throughout the partnership of the two dancers. No matter what style of tango you wish to learn how to dance, our tango lessons will customize to your desires. In our dance studio, we teach tango in a way that everyone falls in love with this dance. Our dance classes are created according to your abilities and will always look great, no matter the style of tango you choose. The strong staccato music will allow you to show your true personality and your wide range of emotions through different patterns and combinations of figures that will fire up with the tempo of the intense dramatic music.
Happy Clients

"One of the best decisions that my wife and I made was to join the Dance Fire Studio. Our dancing has helped us become healthier, happier, and more confident. The Group Classes have allowed to make some new friends. Our dance teacher, Viara , is very committed and dedicated to helping her students become the best they can be in all aspects of their lives through their dance experience."
Frank and Joanne Degli Angeli

“We joined Viara’s Dance Fire Studio over a year ago and it's been a very enjoyable experience. In a short period of time, she equipped us with eye-catching graceful dance routines for the dance floor. There is great camaraderie during the group classes and the Dance Studio is ideal to train for and practice the routines. Definitely recommend the Studio as the environment and Viara's teaching style is very conducive to learning.”
Savio and Jennifer Da Costa

"Viara emphasizes on solid ballroom and latin dance foundations, choreographs beautiful routines, and challenges us to dance better with elegance and passion. We have fun during lessons, enjoy our dance more, and dance with more confidence. Highly recommended instructor for all levels and ages."
Henry Budiatmanto